C language is traditionally called the development language of the UNIX operating system, the language used to write operating system. It is a common industrial programming language, and many software packages vendors are written in C language. These includes operating systems as well as word processing, database management, and graphics software.
is a high-level programming language. C is used throughout the computing world
because of its power to facilitate programming at almost machine level while
retaining high-level characteristics such as probability across a variety of
machine architectures.
evolved from two earlier languages: BCPL (Basic Combined Programming Language)
and B.BPCL was developed in
1967 by Martin Richards of Cambridge University as a language for writing
operating systems software and compliers. In 1970 Ken Thompson of Bell
Laboratories developed the language, based on BPCL, to implement the first UNIX
operating system. V developed in 1972 by Dennis Ritchie of Bell Laboratories,
is an outgrowth of B and provides a combination of the features of a structured
high-level programming language and those of a low-level assembly language.
BCPL and B were type-less languages. They did not distinguish, for instance
between integer and decimal values. The typical data type in these languages
was based on machine organization with abundant use of memory address
arithmetic. That is, instead of referring to data symbolically through variable
names, programmers had to specify particular memory addresses for data storage
and retrieval. The C language was a result of the way software developers used
the basic idea of structured programming. These ideas include explicit data typing,
which means that all variable must be given a specific data type from a set of
predefined choices; control structures without GOTOs, such as the IF, ELSE and
the WHILE loop, and bloc-structured programming allowing easier program design
and debugging.
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